by Beth | Mar 24, 2010 | ...heard in the playroom...
Karol: “When Caecilia came out of you, the last time, she was eating a pretzel and said...
by Beth | Mar 22, 2010 | ...heard in the playroom...
Karol: “Mama! Dominus Vobiscum.” Mama: “Karol, where did you learn that?” Karol: “From Papa, when he put mass on the computer for me to play with.”...
by Beth | Mar 22, 2010 | ...heard in the playroom...
Karol: “Margaret, thanks for saving the day for me.”...
by Beth | Mar 13, 2010 | Varia
Margaret: “Mama, may I have some rliace?” Mama: *She can’t possibly be asking for rice, maybe, ice?” You want ice? Margaret: “No, rliace.” Mama: *maybe she did ask for rice* “You would like some rice?” Margaret:...
by Joshua | Mar 10, 2010 | ...heard in the playroom...
Karol: “When bread is out it turns into...