

November 26, 2020

2:00 – 5:00 PM


5162 South Meridian Road
Cutler, Indiana 46920


RSVP by Wednesday, November 18, 2020

We ask that if you have been sick or have symptoms of any illness, please do not attend. This is not limited to Covid symptoms, but also regular colds and stomach issues.

Due to Beth’s employment in the NICU at Franciscan she works with very sick, very small, very vulnerable babies. In addition to not wanting to expose the little ones to Covid, if she is exposed to or someone with Covid symptoms, EVEN IF IT IS NOT COVID, she is not able to work for 14 days, and this will pose a financial hardship for us.

We will be providing:

Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, rolls, tea and lemonade.

Please bring a side dish or a desert to share.

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